I recently had a conversation with somone who was rather insistent that bleach is a natural product, being made of salt water.   This of course made me curious.  Here I am, just as convinced that bleach is toxic and dangerous.   

The Clorox Company provided the bleach making process.   Here it is: 

Ok, so it does come from salt water.  But what is sodium hydroxide?  NIH provides the following and lists it as poisonous ingredient: (www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002488.htm

  • Sodium hypochlorite is a chemical commonly found in bleach, water purifiers, and cleaning products. 

  • Swallowing sodium hypochlorite can lead to poisoning. Breathing sodium hypochlorite fumes may also cause poisoning, especially if the product is mixed with ammonia.

I don't think I want to use this "natural" product.